Canadian Mission to Brazil Investment Forum – BIF2018

Why Invest in Brazil
With an area of 8.5 million square kilometers, rich in natural resources and home to more than 200 million people, Brazil has a solid industrial base and democratic environment, being for years one of the main destinations for foreign investment.@mandala_group
A stable financial system and a huge domestic market make Brazil a safe place for investment, and give the country the strength to weather international crises. Currently, Brazil is the sixth biggest FDI recipient in the world, according to UNCTAD.
The ongoing fiscal adjustment economic reforms are the cornerstones for the current macroeconomic realignment, ensuring predictability and sustainability for foreign investments. Brazil is also working to improve its competitiveness and productivity, adopting measures to improve business conditions.
Some of the Country’s main competitive advantages are:
Huge domestic market
Major infrastructure projects
Solid investment framework
Energy and agricultural powerhouse
Innovative hotbed
Leading regional economy
Gateway to Latin America
Global Player
In a global perspective, it is the only event that promotes the junction of institutional, political, technical, academic and commercial interests regarding the theme.
Paola Saad April 25th, 2018
Posted In: Trade Mission
Tags: #brazilinvestmentforum2018, #canadainbrazil, #investbrazil, #mandalaevents, #mandalagoupmissions, #mandalagp, #mandalagroup